Three companies of the GC Nordavind such as CJSC Nordavind, LLC Nordavind-Dubna and Scientific Enterprise Tsezis signed agreements to join the autonomous non-profit organization promoting the software industry “National Software Platform”.

ГК «Нордавинд» вступила в автономную некоммерческую организацию «Национальная программная платформа»

The organization was established in order to support the advancement of information technologies in Russia, to ensure information security and the development of domestic IT-products that could be competitive on the world market. The status of a technology platform’s participant gives the opportunity to make suggestions for topics to be included in the projects for research and development as well as to receive methodological and technological support for its initiatives.

The specialists of the GC Nordavind were included in expert commissions on formation of plans for research and development and selection of participants and tenders organized by public authorities.

The cooperation with “National Software Platform” gives us the opportunity not only to navigate development trends of some industries but also to express our views on the prospects and directions of future changes and to influence choices.